Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The sun is shining today!

Can I say just how good it is to see the sun shining when I got up this morning?? I don't mind the rain too much, but it gets a little gloomy after awhile. I woke up with sun on my face, and I think today my youngest is going to finally have soccer again!
I bet everyone is starting to get busy with end-of-the-year activities, and we're no exception. We've got grade 5 farewell, grad, soccer, my favourite aunt visiting from New Brunswick, and my own final exams are approaching fast too. But it's important to grab that camera and snap off a picture or two, cause time moves too fast. Even if you don't scrap them right away, make yourself some notes so the journalling is easier for when you do. Enjoy the sunshine, have a good day!

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