Have I mentioned to you yet, that Nicole brought me back a Prada bag when she went to Europe this spring? She was there while it was my birthday, and when she saw this Prada, she couldn't resist. Now, it's blackmarket Prada, probably stolen or a knock-off, but, the leather smells wonderful. The street vendor offered it to her for a hundred euro, but she turned it down, and was then told, for her, only 45 euro.
I would never pay 45 dollars for a purse, let alone 45 euros, mostly cause I'm cheap. But my daughter loves me, and it made a wonderful gift. Honestly, I don't know my Prada from a Versace, but it is fun to say I have a Prada from my daughta'. (lol) It's a huge purse, and I can never find a thing in it, but I love it.
So when you're a scrapper, with a lovely purse and a fun story, what do you do? Well, if you're me, you scrap about it. :) It's a quick layout, nothing to crazy or fancy. But I love that I've saved the story of my Prada bag. Maybe one day, if I get brave, I'll scrap about the contents! lol wouldn't that be a little scary??

Hope you're having a good week, happy scrappin' and all that!