Wednesday, December 30, 2009
We have a Rusty Pickle Class Booked here for Saturday, January 2nd...
All details are posted in a previous post... should be lots of fun!
Call the store to reserve your spot, we are open till 4pm on New Years Eve.
But we are closed, New Years Day!
Drive Safe, All the best for a Happy New Year everyone!
From all of us here @ Embellished.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
the new Little Yellow Bicycle Valentines line is now in stock... come in & check it out. (some pieces still to arrive)

Sunday, December 27, 2009
sneak peak!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So how about starting the new year off with a great mini album class from Rusty Pickle? Please see attached you tube video for demo on what the book is all about?
Call the store & sign up today.
January 2nd @ 10am... Cost is $55, can't make the class & wish to purchase a kit? Let us know & we can arrange it for you.
Have a great day everyone...hope you are all that one step closer to being done your shopping.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
1 week
Do you have everything done and ready? I have some wrapping left to do. Then, next Wednesday I get to pack the car and hit the road for the long drive to Sask. Well, not that long lol but with the time change, it sure seems that way!
Did you make a Christmas Wish List for the store? Kari is an awesome personal shopper ;) She has a great section of premade gifts too if you are looking for a little something special but have run out of time to make it yourself.
Hope you are having and awesome week and enjoying the warmer temps!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
find out the first week of jan...
wait till you see what this amazing, stupendous, fabulous, beaudacious, wicked design team has come up with now...
all info will be releases come the first week of jan... mark your calendars u wont want to miss out!!!!
All this snow and cold
Afrikaner (Afrikaans): "Een Plesierige Kerfees"
Argentine: "Felices Pascuas"
Bohemian: "Vesele Vanoce"
Brazilian: "Boas Festas"
Chinese (Cantonese): "Saint Dan Fai Lok"
Danish: "Glædelig Jul"
Dutch: "Vrolijk Kerstfeest"
English: "Merry Christmas"
Filipino: "Maligayang Pasko"
Finnish: "Hyvaa Joulua"
French: "Joyeux Noël"
German: "Froehliche Weihnachten"
Greek: "Kala Christouyenna"
Hawaiian: "Mele Kalikimaka"
Hebrew: "Mo'adim Lesimkha"
Icelandic: "Gledileg Jol"
Indonesian: "Selamat Hari Natal"
Irish: "Nollaig Shona Dhuit"
Italian: "Buone Feste Natalizie"
Japanese: "Kurisumasu Omedeto"
Korean: "Sung Tan Chuk Ha"
Lithuanian: "Linksmu Kaledu"
Malay: "Selamat Hari Natal"
Maori: "Meri Kirihimete"
Norwegian: "God Jul"
Romanian: "Craciun Fericit"
Peruvian: "Felices Fiestas"
Portugese: "Boas Festas"
Slovakian: "Vesele Vianoce"
Spanish: "Feliz Navidad"
Swedish: "God Jul"
Welsh: "Nadolig Llawen"
Friday, December 11, 2009
Santa finally arrived and brought us some new goodies to play with....:)
Teresa Collins Journal it Girl Line & sports line is now in, along with some cool jewels to hang on your mini albums.
Kaiser Craft Calendars...(as seen in Canadian Scrapbooker)
Making Memories ...think pink slice specialty pack
October Afternoon...8x8 & collection packs of farm fresh & report card.
Jillibean Soup...more ribbons & their felt bean seeds (flowers).
Basic Grey Nook n Pantry Line finally arrived, better late than never, as this was worth the wait.
Plus some other cool goodies....:) we look forward to seeing you soon to share in our excitement of goodies, if not send your hubby in for a great xmas gift. :)
Take Care All.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Remember when I was in Calgary a few weekends ago? I got the picture from my hotel room scrapped the other day. I thought I'd taken a more clear photo of the layout, but I guess you can get the gist of the idea. I sprayed some mist on my background paper that had some chipboard stars on it. Punched a few stars out and put glitter all over a few of them too. I used a clock stamp on some blue cardstock, and used embossing powder on it. Then I cut out my title letters by tracing around the chipboard letters. It's one of my favorite techniques, mostly because I can save my most used letters (like e's and t's and r's and s's) Simple, but I like how it turned out. Looks better in real likfe. :)

I did a technique on my "winter" that I think I've mentioned before. Basically, I used white gesso on chipboard letters and heated it until it dried and bubbled. You have to be careful not to burn it with the embossing gun. I just kinda heaped it on and swirled it a bit. I used a little bit of blue and white stickles just to make them stand out a bit.
So I hope that inspires you a little. :) Have fun creating...stay warm!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
December 12 Challenge
Your December 12 challenge theme is Traditions
Monday, November 30, 2009
Super Secret Project
A top view of the Super Secret Project
I have been working on a Super Secret Project this weekend - for Kbear et al. I took it over to my siser's tonight - she was pretty impressed and surprised. Hopefully they will enjoy it and get good use out of it. Now I did learn a few things in making this one - for the next time (whenever that is! LOL)
Have you figured it out?
It is an Advent Calendar for the month of December.
Note - I am not this creative on my own! I based it on one that I saw it on this website Advent Calendar. I made mine with the larger matchboxes. She used smaller ones, but I needed more space to put little gifts for Kbear who is 22 months (fruit candies, fruit to go, etc).
Thanks for looking! ~~Melanie
Glitter for you, glitter for me!.
New colors!!!!!
65mm roll now available.
Come and play!.
Sunday, November 29, 2009

And here's some quotes to help you out with your own winter photos:
"Every mile is two in winter." ~George Herbert
"Winter is nature's way of saying, "Up yours."" ~Robert Bryne
"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." ~Victor Hugo
"Winter is not a season, it's an occupation."~Sinclair Lewis
"Snowflakes are one of natures most fragile things, but just look at what they do when they stick together." ~Verna M. Kelly
"A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water."~Carl Reiner]
"Snowmen fall from heaven...unassembled."~Anon.
Have a great day! See ya again soon. :D
~Ronni H.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Anywho!! One of my mom's sisters was here for a visit this summer. I happily shot off a couple dozen photos of the two of them. :) The blue background paper, I stamped all over with swirls. I took a piece of shaped patterned paper that I had, and traced it on the back of the patterned paper that I used in this layout so I had that cool brackety-y shape in the colours I wanted. I sewed it down (I've been doing a lot of sewing on paper lately.)
I made a flower by tracing 3 different shapes of hearts onto the paper, layering and stacking them into a flower shape, and using a brad in the center. I finished it up with lots of stickles. I hate the drying time, but love the effect.
The butterfly (which I wish I'd gotten a better photo of) I stamped onto a transparency with Staz-on and cut out, and then repeated the technique with the clock stamp. I wrote my journaling along the shaped patterned paper. A little lace. A little bling. And ta-da!
I have to write a test today for school. Again. Luckily I do that on the internet. And I have laundry to do. As I mentioned earlier, I took photos of the snow that fell overnight, and I want to go through them and get those printed off. I have a date with my scrapping room that I don't want to miss out on either. Hmmm, almost sounds like I'm a little busy?
Have fun scrapping, we'll chat again soon!
~Ronni H.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
ONE month until Christmas!!!! Are you ready? Are your cards done? Is your house decorated? Is your shopping done? Is your baking complete?
ONE month and ONE week until New Years! Do you have plans? I used to host a New Years Eve crop online with challenges galore. Now, I just sit at home with a bunch of movies and scrapbook the night away. Sometimes friends join me. Sometimes they have a life and go party lololol
ONE month, ONE week and ONE day until the reveal of our new ideas coming your way! On the blog, in the store, with the DT, in classes and projects. We hope you will like it!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Are you heading up to Calgary for the parties and game? I know someone who is going ;) I expect a lot of photos!!!!! My dad and brother were at the game on Sunday in Regina - how fun would that have been?
We are going to the light parade out in Coaldale on Friday night with Kbear and my "other L friend" lol On Saturday, we are heading out to the craft show at the exhibition grounds. I might even squeeze in some scrapbooking this weekend too. You never know!
However you spend your weekend.....remember to take pictures and scrapbook all about it!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Happy weekend!
I hear the store is open late tonight too.... I'm hoping to convince my other half that tonight would be a good night to go shopping for Christmas. Early Christmas gifts are good too. And if Dave asks what I'd like for Christmas, I'd love a Slice. ;)
I have done a little scrapping, I'll post pictures of that later... it was too dark last night to take photos. That felt so good, I haven't scrapped in a month! I know, shocking, isn't it!! But I thought I'd take a minute and show you a few photos from my last trip to Calgary... I love that city, I'd almost move there.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
EMBELLISHED MEMORIES LTD. scrapbooking, & more.. 309 – 6TH STREET S. D.TOWN
From 6:30 pm – Midnight! for Hot Chocolate, Snacks, In-Store Specials, Enter to win one of our Door Prize Draws,
See our Unique Gifts, and pull a Christmas Ball to reveal your Savings*! (*savings vary from 5-25% off entire purchase, 30% off items and more, some restrictions apply see in-store for full details)
**Another unique gift idea, is a gift certificate for the receipient to attend one of our classes!**
Libre Tea Glass,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
This is a picture I took this weekend, of a great couple that i have been getting to know. I had so much fun taking their pictures, & it was truly a honor. Can you imagine how much fun this beautiful bride is going to have scrapbooking these pictures? Thanks for looking. Kari

Monday, November 16, 2009
Warm Fuzzies
I was out of town this weekend and went to a couple of craft stores and a LSS. Man, they have nothing on Embellished. The knowledge, the samples, the personality. Nope. Nothing.
I cant wait until life slows down a bit and I can get my grubby fingers back into play mode :)
This week I am off to Calgary for a couple of days. I have an eye specialist appointment. Wish me luck. He is going to be testing to see if I am a candidate for eye surgery - which still wont help the condition, but would slow it down for a bit (and not covered by health care...ack!).
You know we have less than 6 weeks until Christmas!!!
Is your shopping done?
Are your cards made?
Are you planned and on schedule?
Are you ready?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Happy weekend!

Have a good weekend! See ya soon!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
This, that, and the other...
I do, however, have some cool Halloween Jack-o-Lanterns to show you... I'm thinking of making a mini Halloween album about them, and I am hoping that will be enough to get me out of my scrappers block.

and here is my youngests:

So I hope things are going well, and I'll chat with you again soon!
~Ronni H.
Are you interested in...
Do you love mini albums? Let us know!
Do you enjoy items out of something other than paper (ie - acrylic, cardboard, chipboard, etc)? Let us know!
We want to know what peaks your interest!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Changes are in the works...
We are changing things up. Kits, challenges, blog, layouts, projects, ideas..............
Let us know if there is anything in particular you would like to see.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I am working the craft show this weekend. My sister and I went to help set up on Friday evening and then she was working yesterday and I was to work today. They called me at work yesterday before lunch and asked if I could come in the afternoon. Yup. So I was there. My sister is coming in this afternoon to help. It is so busy!
I am so amazed by the creative spirit that is there by all artisans. There is some amazing work there. So professional! So well put together and run. I love this craft show each and every year! It amazes me what people can do with jewlery, pottery, window, vinyl signs, etc. So cool!
If you are out and about there, stop by to say hi if you see me around!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Any scrappy plans this weekend?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
November 12 Challenge
Remember this....
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Having fun with cards this year!
Monday, November 2, 2009
36 Christmas cards down...
I was in the groove yesterday! I finished up 36 Christmas cards (most of them in my new favourite colour combo for the holidays...) I cant wait to show you. I have a few more to make up - a different design. I am giving some to my sister to send off this year too - well she is getting the rest that are left over from last year and then some of this year's as well. We cant be sending the same ones to the same people lol
I have this afternoon and tomorrow off. I hope they are just as productive in the card making......I will be posting a picture tomorrow :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Too cute to spook...
I love having my K-bear in town. I get to share so many stepping stones in her life.
I had a wonderful little knock on my door yesterday afternoon and then a cute little "Raaaarrrrhhhh" After treats, we went out into my yard to take some quick photos. This is one of my favorites (although it is so hard to pick as they are all adorable - and I can not wait to scrapbook them all.)

I hope you had a great day!!! Can't wait to see your Halloween layouts.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
60 days
Are you making cards? Have you seen all the amazing new papers at the store? I stopped by yesterday in hopes of a card falling into my lap....the card didnt, but the paper did! LOL I have a *few* ideas floating around. I was hoping to get to some today but not in the scrappy mood I guess. Maybe next weekend! lol
Are you planning to make gifts? Check out some of the ideas Kari and the design team have in and around the store. Some very cute mini book ideas, a bunch of cards with a holder, 2 page layouts that you can frame.
Do you remember Advent Calendars from when you were a kid? Those little chocolates each day.........ya you can still get them, but they arent the same. Why not make your own? Kari has an amazing sample of a cookie sheet one in the store of one she made - it may even be a class? So fun!!!!! I have also seen them made with a flip book, little boxes attached to the wall and also a drawer one. My friends mom made one for them with empty film canisters. So fun if you want to put little gifts to the kids or yourself lol.
Dont forget to ask Kari and the girls about the Christmas Wish List. I know this has helped a *few* darling husbands, boyfriends, significant others in the past! You just write down your list and they keep it on file. As the items are purchased, they are marked off your list. Perfect!
Oh and the always popular gift certificate.....gotta love them....for yourself, for a friend, for a coworker or just because.
60 days. Are you ready????????
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
CRAZY, FUN, FABULOUS Weekend we had.... Just wanted to send out a BIG thank you to all who attended our Croptacular on the weekend, it was amazing. Too laugh, be silly, scare each other, bring out the bling & put on some perfume....I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! For those of you who could not make it....we missed you & hopefully you will be able to make it next time.
Make sure you check instore to see some of the upcoming classes, grab some of the fabulous christmas paper that is in.
Take care everyone...:)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Are you ready? Are you packed? What you working on?
We are very excited for you to come & play, relax & have fun at our 3rd Croptacular...we are still working on things, but promise to be ready & have bells on for when you arrive! Sleep there won't be much sleep this weekend...:)
See you tomorrow...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Lazy Sunday
Anyways, do you remember my elevator layout I posted a little while ago? Well, I have a few more things to show you from that same weekend. My parents grew up not far from each other, even though it was in two different provinces. After we left my grandma's funeral, we headed for home, but first we detoured to where my mom grew up. Mom's old farm has been abandoned for many years. I really wish now that I'd brought my SLR, and had more time, but I still got some interesting shots. There were tonnes of mosquitoes out then too, and they were practically eating me alive!

I messed around with the photos in Photoshop, made them look older and more worn.
I'd been saving this BG pp for a very long time... love the blue and yellow wheat that is on it, and it worked very well for these photos. I did some stitching with my sewing machine. When I was looking for yellow buttons, I fell across one lone heart shaped yellow one, and it was perfect for on my title block.

I took a brown paper bag, and I stamped numerous times with a script background stamp (in black ink, 2nd generation) Over that, I stamped the butterflies and birds in black ink. Over top of that, I added the stamps that said "beautiful" and "dreamer" in both black and red. After that, I crumpled it, and took brown ink to the edges and over the dips and folds of the crinkled paper. It was all very random, very, very messy, and a lot of fun. I liked a few of the butterflies, so I cut them out to use as further embellishments, and used my butterfly punch to add a few more.

Just some little detail shots....

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Ok...........Oct Kit Reveal!
Sorry I am a bit delayed. It is 1030pm on Thursday, I leave tomorrow for a week holidays. i havent finished packing, I havent had supper, I havent finished cleaning my house. Argh!!! Where did the week go??? LOL
Here are my kit layouts. i have a few more that are 1/2 finished which I will post when I get them done.
Alright - sorry for the blurry photo - I didnt have time to scan them in this month. It is a happy birthday card though lol
A quick and easy Hi card
A quick and easy Thank You card.
She is growing up so so so fast!!!! She was looked so big in her infant car seat and now she looks so tiny in her big girl car seat!!!
Oh that look - it is so her (I think she gets that from me even if she is my niece lol). But the layout is about This Chair. It is from my sister and my childhood. Now Kbear gets to play with the playhouse set.
I am back from my cruise on the 11th. I hope you all have an awesome Thanksgiving with your family and friends, or however you spend the long weekend.
~~Melanie :)
this month we would like you to actually stick to taking the pictures on the 12th...and our topic will be "TODAY I"sound like fun doesn't it...come on & join us in taking some great pictures on Thanksgiving...:)
Octobers KIT, is now ready for pick up...Melanie has been busy, busy, busy this week, so she probably has not had a chance to post her stuff, but soon....if she does not have a chance, i will do it for her, as she is leaving on Saturday, and hopefully taking flat Kari with her.
If you have not had a chance to stop in you should do so soon!!!
Lots of new paper, stamps, peel offs are here & just waiting for you to come play. :) have a great weekend everyone.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
My turn too!

And another one of my Darby girl, and again, this photo was taken in Ontario. The challenge was to use a song, and "I'm Supergirl" by Suzie Macneil is one of Darby's favorite songs. Loved the papers in this kit... very versitile... very fun. Did a little bit of stitchin on the layout, wrote my journaling on strips of masking tape, and added the buttons from the kit... drooling over the buttons, LOL!!

See the stitching? buttons? masking tape? Cool, huh what can be done with simple supplies.

Another simple one of some of the flower pictures I took this summer. The flower is something I modified from something I found online. One of my favorite stamping blogs showed you how to make flowers with heart stamps. I don't have any heart stamps, but I did have several sizes of heart chipboard. I traced 4 hearts in 3 different sizes, inked the edges, curled the edges, layered them, and used a brad to hold them all together. Similar look to what I'd seen on line, but modified to the supplies I had on hand. And note to self, I want heart stamps, to try it the way I'd seen! LOL!