Friday, May 21, 2010

Hello Friday!

I love your card Tammy! You know I'm card-making challenged, so I'll definitly be copying that one. Very pretty!
I'm so happy to see the weather finally starting to warm up, but then that means it's time to start gardening. Now, I don't have much interest in gardening because it usually involves sweating, but in typical female fashion, I love flowers.
Know what I grow the best?Yep, dandilions.My yard doesn't (luckily) have a lot of them right now, but at this rate, it won't be long. :P

Fortunatly, my parents both have green thumbs, a gene they decided to omit to give to me, so I'll be over there soon taking photos of their roses, and other pretty things that I don't know the names of or can't spell.

What about you? Do you garden?

Take care everyone, and thanx again for all the kind words on being published. :) See you soon!


1 comment:

Carolyn M.... said...

Love it! I don't garden either - I have a dandelion patch. We also have many bald spots of grass we are wishing will grow back. I got the magazine and the ink they gave you is great. Waiting for my autograph. Happy long weekend everyone!