So I was able to make it down to the park to take photos of the bridge on Sunday. It was something I'd been wanting to do for ages and ages. And I took way too many photos. Like, seriously, 430. Yes, 430, but I did that over a couple of hours.

This one here is probably my favorite of the bridge. Most of the photos I took that day were of the bridge, but this one, it's the most interesting. I got right down low, and just snapped. I love it.

And these stairs are steeper in real life too. My calves were aching Monday morning. Granted I kinda jogged up and then back down, because I forget I'm not as young as I used to be. The scene from up top was worth the frost bite on my cheeks from the wind. :)

And another favorite of mine from the day. I've got "art settings" on my camera, and it leaves a pinhole effect, that is, a dark edge around the photo. Makes it look artsy instead of just another photo of weeds.

This one is a favorite, cause it's the opposite of the last one, lol. It's bright. It's shiney.

And do you see this?? Burrs on my gloves!! I'd pull 'em off with one hand, and SURPRISE! they'd stick to the other hand! The lengths I go to, to have a good time, sheesh! lol
Ok, so I gotta go get ready for work, I hope you all are enjoying my photos! Any questions or comments, please feel free to leave 'em and we'll do our best to answer!
Those staris! Those are the ones we do for bootcamp...........up and down bottom to top 4x baby!
Great photos R!!!
What kind of camera do you have if you don't mind me asking?
Hi, I don't mind at all! My camera is an Olympus E620. It's my second dslr (my first was an Olympus E500) I used to sell cameras, and the Olympus brand spoke to my heart. :)
as per usual - love, love the pictures Ronni - you are creative!
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