As dark as they are, as blurry as they are, as enhanced as I had to make them.....we had a great time at Kbears 1st concert. She loved the Doodlebops!!! I have never seen her sit so still (except for the jumping and dancing) and entranced for so long at one time!

Too bad they had to do an intermission (totally understand because of the costumes, makeup and dancing and stuff) but i think they lost a lot of the kids in the audience when they started again. The 2nd half had a lot of talking, crying and unhappy little ones......but Kbear did ok - until the end when we had to leave and she DID NOT want it to be over lol You bet I got a crying picture of her! LOL Yup, I am a mean mean auntie.
So here are a couple that I took of the Bops during the show.. 

So here are a couple that I took of the Bops during the show..

The smile says it all.......

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