Sunday, January 25, 2009

Blog Contest Question #4

What do you like going on in the background while you scrapbook? Do you have to have music (any specific kind)? Or a movie/TV going? Do you require complete silence around you? Something else?

Myself, I am the epitome of blockers when it comes to noise for the most part. I like to have a movie on in the background, but before I know it, it is usually over. Then, I restart it. If I am in a groove, the same thing happens *giggle* When we get together at the store and the music is going, I usually am not paying enough attention it it. LOL I get so wrapped up in my scrapbooking that I block out the background noise. I am the same way when reading a book....hmmmm wonder what that tells me. lol


Anonymous said...

i definately listen to the radio when scrappin and have a hard time getting my "groove on" when there is none. sometimes the beat helps me "feel" the colors in the paper.
theresa loewen

Anonymous said...

I love having music on in the background - it gives me "creative energy" but that would be my music that I really enjoy listening to.

Listening to music that you are not fond of or someone talking non-stop (spouse) can be more of a distraction and then it is hard to focus on scrapbooking.

Anonymous said...

It depends who is in the house with me. I often scrapbook with no noise

Anonymous said...

i am alot like to put on a movie for background noise, and will stop every once inawhile to see what part it is at. i am however having a hard time lately finding my groove.

:) kari

Anonymous said...

I have to have some background noise. I will either have my music going or a movie on my little DVD player.

Mimi said...

I never get to scrapbook anywhere but Embellished anymore and I always just take over the CD player (lol) cause John Tesh drives me crazy! Although I maybe biased. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I usually have whatever the kids are doing/watching/listening to on in the background. And I've gotten so good at blocking it all out, I don't even hear the wrestling anymore!

Anonymous said...

I often scrapbook to the noise of small children, but when they do go to bed and I pull out my stuff I usually work in peace and quiet, the tv might be on but I am in the other room.