Friday, January 30, 2009

Blog Contest Question #8

Do you print your photos as soon as you take them (within reason) or do they sit on your camera/computer/film for some time before you go through and get them done?

For myself, it really depends on the situation. Usually I take the photos and then print them as needed so as not to be overwhelmed. BUT there are times where I take the photos and rush to get them printed right away.

The day K-Bear was born is a prime example. I took photos during the day of everyone and everything I could think of. I had them printed and in a little album (not scrapbook just a photo album) for my sister to look at and share during her stay in the hospital by that evening. Now, my trips I usually wait a bit. I download the 1000s I take to my computer and then I will really take the time to look through them and the pages I want to work on so I dont over print. Sometimes I still do, but it is easy to go and reprint something if I need it.



Anonymous said...

it all depends for me too Mel.
it depends on if i have some mojo left or if i have a page in mind right away or not. sometimes (most times) i bring a bunch of photos and have Kari match them up with some paper for me

Anonymous said...

I think it depends on the pictures. If I already have an idea for the book, I print them right away, especially special occasions.

Anonymous said...

I do annual albums so I usually print fairly soon. For example, I have New Year's eve pictures, some Janauary sports and a January birthday on the computer right now and I will print before my next crop club.

Anonymous said...

It does depend on the event - if the occasion just passed and it was really fun - I want to remember the moment and how we all felt, so I will print the pictures right away. If it was a vacation holiday with others I have to wait for them to send me their pictures and then print the best one's. Or when my computer get's slow then it is time to clear the computer save pictures to cd and print my favorites.

Mimi said...

I put the pictures on my camera and wait until I am ready to do that page. I pick the pictures I want to scrapbook and print them. Otherwise I totally over print and have WAY too many pictures. I do save all my pictures (unless it is rally bad quality) on my computer and back them up onto a memory stick every so often.

Mimi said...

I put the pictures on my camera and wait until I am ready to do that page. I pick the pictures I want to scrapbook and print them. Otherwise I totally over print and have WAY too many pictures. I do save all my pictures (unless it is rally bad quality) on my computer and back them up onto a memory stick every so often.

Anonymous said...

I'm really bad about letting them sit on my memory card for a few weeks. I think I should start using just one or two cards for a while so I download sooner. Then they sit on my computer until I'm really ready to do something with them. I've learned the hard way! When I take 1200 pics on a trip and print most of them, it takes a VERY long time to do something with them all!