Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blog Contest Question #3

Well, I just hate when my life gets in the way of fun!!!!!!!!

So here is my next question to you - How do you deal with STRESS?

Right now, I am not dealing with it very well. I am getting it from all ends. Stress at work. Stress at home. Stress of the lack of time in my life. I usually scrapbook to relieve stress in my life. I used to anyway. My BIL has been living with me until they sell their house. Thought it would be quick........yah, not so quick. Almost 6 freakin' months later. I know they are stressed about it too. But he is in my STUDIO! So i cant just go in there and scrapbook whenever I want anymore.......

Now, I need new ideas!


Anonymous said...

Vodka paralyzers usually help me. 1 ounce vodka, 1 ounce kahlua, skim milk, diet pepsi. I try to keep the calories down a bit - because I usually free pour and don't measure.

STRESS sucks and happens on a day to day basis - talking to a good friend helps and lets go of some of the frustration.

A very good combination is to drink a paralyzer while talking to the friend - after about 4 or 5 drinks you forget about all your worries and are quite happy and giggly.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Carolyn - talking with a friend helps.
I also find that working out or going for a long walk is also helpful.

Mimi said...

LOL! I'm with Carolyn.

Actually, I usually cry when I get stressed out.

Anonymous said...

I disappear into a book or the best solution yet - I paint a room or wall. Painting is sooo relaxing and when I'm done, so is the painting project!

And that's why my daughter says our rooms get smaller every year!

However, I am now going to try Carolyn M's stress reliever - I think I'll go for the gusto and use the full calorie cola. I think it'll be a whole lot faster than painting a room or two!

Anonymous said...

When I feel stressed I need to find time to rest. Get away from whatever it is that is stressing me, I like to get together with friends and scrapbook.