Saturday, February 28, 2009
Happy Saturday!

So here's my cute little P.T. Cuiser. I know I was calling him Princess Petie, but my dear husband refused to drive a car that was a princess with a boy's name. After much debate, we're calling Petie, Pirate Petie, and let me tell ya, it suits it. :) I really enjoyed making this layout. There are some Tim Holtz' grungeboard skulls that I inked and added distress powder to. And I inked up the edges of everything. Found a Heidi Swapp acrylic arrow that was just begging to be used. Traced chipboard letters onto cardstock, cut them out, inked the edges, and used pop dots to raise a few letter. Just had some fun with it.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I should be sleeping!
My flight is at 550am Thursday morning. I am checking the site to make sure the 1110pm flight arrives tonight - no flight tonight, no flight tomorrow morning! ACK! LOL
I will be back next Friday morning just in time for the Anniversary Crop. I hope to see you all there Friday night and throughout the weekend! We have some awesome new products that we ordered at the show last week. We are hoping they get the orders in the computer and shipped on time.
i have a fun little make and take with one of the new products that we all fell in love with! You are so going to want it! I know it! Ronni has already asked to put hers aside. Dont miss out! But you have to wait until the weekend to find out what it is..........shhhhhh Kari, no spilling the beans.
Be good! See you next weekend! ~~Melanie
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Pick up a package of patterned paper, cardstock, enough to complete a 2 page spread...all layouts will be displayed in store! Cost is $6.50.
There will be no limitations....use whatever supplies & embellishments that you wish.
Layouts will be judged in two categories...Basic & Advanced, all entries will remain anonymous.
Contest will run from Feb 20th to March 14th. Winners will be announced March 23 on the blog. Winners will receive 1/2 of the money collected in the form of a gift certificate, and a prize package from Embellished.
Limitied Packages will be made, so pick up your early!!!
Celebration Starts Thursday....:)
Join us February 26th, 27th & 28th....
For our 2nd Anniversary!
We will do make n takes each day...from 10am till 6pm.
& Incremental Savings all Day each day...
(excludes classes, memberships, kits, sale items & any other offer)
Feb 26th....Members Receive Double your points.
Hope to see you all very soon....:)
Monday, February 23, 2009
We are back!
You have to see the new product coming!!!! We had so much fun in the classes. We learned tons. We used all the new CHA releases. We had so much fun. We are on creativity overload. We did things that were out of our comfort zone. We used stuff that was out of our comfort zone. We tried things that were out of our comfort zone. We loved working out of our comfort zone!
BUT the best news!!!!! We are hoping that some of it is going to be here for the Anniversary Crop!!!!! Shhhhhhhhhhhh its a surprise (but I know what it is and can be bribed for the right price - single man, 34-35 yrs old, 2 eyebrows and a paying job). Even if it arrives earlier, we are not putting it out until the anniversary crop weekend! We are saving it!!!!! No sneeks, no peeks!
You are going to flip when you see the stuff! I *heart* it. You will *heart* it. It is going to FLY off the shelves when it arrives. Be prepared to be enabled - however, I know it wont be hard bc this rocks! You may even want more than one for gifts! It is so versatile. It is so easy to use. It looks amazing!!!!
I am going to do up some samples for next weekend before I head off to the D.R. I am going to do a make n' take with them at the crop. You dont want to miss out!
If you havent signed up yet, I believe there are a few spots left. Call the girlies at the store 403-388-4010 to sign up and reserve your spot. Come for one day, one evening, however long you can or the entire weekend. It is going to be FUN FUN FUN!
See you on Mar 6. Be ready!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
And our WINNERS are...
Winners are Tara, for the card with the hearts, for the basic category...& Diane, for her card with the shaving cream technique & the ultra thick embossing powder on the hearts, for the advanced category....:) Congrats ladies & Thank you to all who entered. You can pick up your prize Friday afternoon.
and for our Blogtest....Theresa, is our winner, congrats. Thank you to all who entered comments, i loved reading them all & seeing all the activity on the blog, it was great! Watch for another one in March/April.
watch the blog, for our next upcoming will be fun, fun, fun....
Well we are off bright and early to Edmonton, to our wholesaler's event. Will miss you all, but very excited to show ya what we did, when we get back.
Take Care & have a good weekend.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Pppppssssssssssssssstttttttttt Do I have some news!
2. Guess who finally sold their house!?!?!?!? One guess.......YES! They did! But even better - Guess who bought a house this weekend! YES!!!! I am happy to report that my sister and bil sold their house (after a very long 6 months) and bought today! *woot*
3. Keep your eyes and ears open for a Meet Keely crop! Once they are here (they move Mar 20) and settled, we will have one arranged for those who want to meet my little K-bear :) She is now walking and into everything - so it may be a short visit for her lol but I know there are a few gals who didnt get to meet her last time she stopped by!
4. The March kit is delish! I got all my stuff done in one night. I was amazed at how quickly everything just came together. I am just waiting for photos to print for the layouts.
5. I am very excited to be heading up to Edmonton with Kari and Edith for the Memories convention. It will be great to see and use the new CHA stuff and come back with some exciting ideas and classes. Cant wait!
6. I am off on a jet plane again next week. After a long year of late hours and lots of stress (just ask Kari), I earned the Award of Excellence for 2008. We are off to Punta Cana, DR. There wont be a lot of photos as there isnt much to see/do in the area, but my friend Linda and I have a few day trips planned to get out of the resort (we arent sit on the beach for a week kinda gals lol).
Oh, but I just found out that our resort has Flamingos around. She is going to be returning home with like 40000 photos just of them, I know it! LOL We are also planning on doing the Jeep Safari tour and want to go to Manati Park Hopefully that will give us a few opportunities to take photos to scrapbook when we get home. If not, well, expect a lot of pages about the different drinks we try! LOL We are going to try our first ever Martinis at the Martini bar there. Wish us luck!
That is all for now. Hope you are having an awesome week! I know mine just got better! LOL
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy V-Day!

This one is of my mom and dad... aren't they a cute couple?

I've got this page ready for a nice photo of the two of us. Hopefully if I can get Dave and my hair to co-operate, I can use this. One can dream, right?

So yep, there ya go. That's what I did with the kit. I know I say this nearly every time, but I think this one is my favorite. Of course until I saw the March kit. Now that one is fun too. I'm gonna mess around with it today. I'm so glad it's a long weekend! I have to go to Calgary next weekend for a Lab for my Optician's course, so I might not get much of a chance to post anything next weekend.
Take care guys! Have fun playing!! :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A few reminders
Also, dont forget on Thursday to take photos for the 12 Challenge if you are joining us. The theme is Things that make you Happy/Things you Love.
Blog Contest Question #10
So here is my question today. Do you only scrapbook the good/happy things or do you include the sad/not so perfect things too?
This came to me as I sat at work thinking of my dad in surgery this morning and waiting for the call that all was done/ok. I have only scrapbooked the good/happy things in life so far - family, friends, K-bear's 1st year, trips, trips and more trips. Oh, I have good intentions of scrapbooking a page on my Uncle who passed away over 3 years ago, but I just cant get it together. I have good intentions of scrapbooking a page on my Aunt who passed away last year, but I just cant get it together. It is so hard to think of them and get those memories on paper - and I admit, I am kinda afraid to do it.........will that close a chapter? Will I then not have as strong of memories bc they are down on paper and not only in my heart? I know i will one day scrapbook them, when the time is right.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Hi again!

I cut out a felt heart, and stitched around it, and added a button and some brass flowers. Who says flowers are only for girls?
I love love love this October Afternoon paper (Night Light Louie I believe..?)and as soon as I saw it, I knew I could use these photos of Joe on it. And when I was cutting it out, I thought to myself that the little monsters/dinosaurs were so stinking cute. And I wondered how I could make them any cuter. So I looked over my stash and saw some googly eyes, and added them.
I think they turned out even cuter than what they were to begin with, don't you?

Took the girls sledding at the beginning of January... the blue Maya Road frame worked perfectly to highlight them in the midst of all the kids...

Tim Holtz is totally my hero, and so much of his stuff worked on this layout. The game spinner. The "giggle" token. The distress inks.
Sigh. I love his stuff. And I stitched around the photo and added buttons. I've actually done that a lot lately, love the effect.
And here's a mini album I did from when we went camping this summer:

Have a good weekend everyone!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
February 12 Challenge Theme
Things that make you Happy/Things you Love
Join us on Feb 12 to take photos of the theme. Minimum 5 photos, but feel free to take as many as you wish.
Monday, February 2, 2009
feb kit rocks!!!