Wow! How can another week be done? This year is flying by!
Your challenge this week is to ACCENT PART OF A PHOTO TO HIGHLIGHT.
On the following layout, I used stickles to accent the fact that Kbear kept throwing the cotton candy out....she wasnt too much of a fan last year!

Other ideas to accent part of a photo -
**use an arrow
**use a frame
**use clear buttons, fragments, etc
**crop in really close to the portion you want to highlight and print it that way
**trim out the portion you want to hgihlight and popdot it up (keeping the background you trimmed it from in tact)
**print all photos in colour or black and white except the one you want to highlight
Feel free to add your ideas on how you highlight parts of photos in the comments. i would love to hear what you do :)
Could stitch around the area to highlight. Or what about using rub-ons. There's my two bits!
Great ideas Julie! Thanks for sharing :)
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