Do not be afraid to use more than one photo on your page. Do not be afraid of cropping a photo (dont like the results? Reprint it - it is 15 cents!). Dont be afraid of mixing different size photos on your layout (there are a ton of programs out there now to assist in resizing photos). Dont be afraid to mix black and white with colour photos on your layout.
- If you know me and my scrapbooking, I scrapbook mostly my travels and my niece.
- If you know me and my photography you know that I take A LOT of photos at any one time! (ummm over 2000 on my Disney Cruise, over 1500 in Ireland and a bazillion of K-bear!).
- If you know me and my layouts, you know that I rarely (not never though) do one photo layouts.
I am not afraid to crop photos and print photos in different sizes. I use a mix of smaller and larger photos on a layout. Larger for more important ones, smaller to mix it up and tell more of the story or give/zoom in on details. I am not afraid to crop a photo...if I dont like the outcome, I reprint it (its 15 cents!).
Dont be afraid to mix up sizes, colour, black and white. Step outside of your comfort zone!!!!!
Belfast (9 photos)

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