Monday, December 31, 2007
Went to the zoo last August

Sunday, December 30, 2007
January Kit
Just wanted to remind you that the January kit is a few days later this year due to the busy holiday season. We didnt want anyone to have to worry about missing out. It will be launched on Jan 4th I believe. (I am sure Kari will correct that if I am incorrect)
Exculsive papers and Bellies again! Lots of fun stuff and oh so creative.
I will be posting my layouts and cards in the next few days. I had a lot of fun with it.
Dont forget that Embellished is closed on Tuesday for New Years and is closing early tomorrow. If you are planning on scrapbooking like me......dont forget to get to the store to stock up on essentials - adhesive and cardstock being the top of my list!
Have an awesome New Year whatever you end up doing.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas to all!
Thank you to all the lovely ladies I have met this past year during classes. Everyone has made my classes so enjoyable. I look forward to seeing you guys more next year!
Safe travels to those going elsewhere. Drive safe, fly safe, be safe.
Enjoy the moments of the season. Take lots of photos, but hand your camera over and let someone else capture you too.
Happy holidays everyone! See you soon.
Monday, December 17, 2007
check these out!!!!
Friends and Family night Tonight!
Happy Holidays Ladies here is some fun stuff happening at Embellished...
On Monday December 17th we are hosting a Friends and Family Night.... invite a friend, tell a family member :) Starts at 6pm - 9pm
- First 20 Shoppers of the evening receive special mini card making kit & extra entry form for our door prize draw.
All shoppers....
- Are Invited to create a free make and take in our classroom
- We will have Specially marked items throughout the store on sale.
- Purchase one regular priced item and receive the second one of equal or lesser value for 30% off.
- Receive a entry form to for one of our three door prize draws.
- Have a Christmas Treat!
Door Prize Draws
1 Prize Package $75 retail value.2 Draws of 1 $25 Gift Certificate
Don't forget the following:
10 Days until Christmas Sale. Starting Saturday December 15th - December 24th we will have a new Special Every Day!
Purchase a Gift Certificate in the amount of $40 or more and receive a free stocking stuffer.
Fill a pre-decorated paint can and recieve 10% off the entire contents!
Friday, December 14, 2007
10 FREE 4x6 prints at Costco
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tammy's design's for dec. kit.
this card i used the "embellies" and put stickles on the word joy and on the paper where the berries are!!!!
i hope to see u all over the holidays in and out of the store...if i dont get the chance before then
Have a very merry christmas and many blessings in 2008!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Ready for Christmas yet?
Are you making anything special for someone special? I made up a few Christmas ornaments, but I haven't had a chance yet to take photos of them to show you. I'm hoping to put up my tree this weekend, so I'll take a pic or two then.
Are you making cards for your family and friends? The last time I was at the store, I saw some wonderful ones made up by the other girls there. And there are always ideas on the internet or in a magazine you could follow. I picked up some of the "Figgy Pudding" (from Basic Grey) and I love it so much, I almost hated to cut it up! Beautiful paper!!
I'm afraid that I don't have any photos to show you of what I did with the latest kit... I'm making huge puppy dog eyes at Shelley, or Kari, or Mel, or Tammy... and hoping that they'll take some pics for me and show you guys just how great that kit is! I love the double sided papers, and how not all of the colours aren't the traditional green and red. Aren't you loving the Embellies??
Anyways, I suppose I should go back to work! Happy holidaze!!! :)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Maya Road gift ideas
I just wanted to share this link to the Maya Road Creative Corner. It lists templates for all their chipboard books (so you dont have to trace from the book) and printable templates for the binder books - journal sheets, day timers, etc. Just click on the group of templates you are looking for and then the correct template.
Maya Road Link
Hopefully this will help you with last minute gift ideas using the MR products available at Embellished Memories.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
December Kit!
Card 1 - Scrapworks paper, brads, Bellie

Card 2 - Scrapworks papers, Stickles, fasenators, Heidi Swapp arrow (available in store), Bazzil brads (available in store), Versamagic chalk ink (available in store)

Layout - Scrapworks papers, brads, Maya Road chipboard letter, fasenators. Stickles, paint (available in store), Luxe rub on letters (available in store), Versamagic chalk ink (available in store)
Layout - Scrapworks papers, Maya Road velvet ribbon, Bellie, Stickles, Maya Road chipboard vineyard swirls (available in store), paint (available in store), Bazzil brads (available in store), Autumn Leaves Snapline letter stamps (available in store), Versamagic chalk ink (available in store), Making Memories distressing tool (available in store)
Thanks for taking a look. I hope they have inspired you for this upcoming holiday season. Keep an eye on the blog for Tammy and Ronnis layouts throughout the month.
1 more sleep!!! Tomorrow is the day!
Watch for DT posts throughout the month with ideas.
Friday, November 23, 2007
December kit teaser!
The patterns are EXCLUSIVE to the kit! They will not be available for sale in the store. Also exclusive in the kit - new BELLIES! Fun fonts for your cards, altered items or layouts.
We brought in papers specifically for this kit and have made a larger number of kits for everyone to enjoy! We wanted as many people as possible to get the chance to purchase this kit.
December's kit goes up for sale next week. Get yours quick! Watch the blog for layout and card ideas with the papers. Also, we have a few altered items using the kit as well.
Have a great day! ~~Melanie
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Midnight Madness!
Have you heard of the Bright Lights Festival and Midnight Madness in downtown Lethbridge? Lots of fun things happening: late shopping, Santa's arriving, the park gets lit up, movies will be playing etc! For more information on the festivities go to www.downtownlethbridge.com -
This is our first year for the Bright Lights Festival and Midnight Madness so we are joining in with the following savings to you!
All day Friday, November 16th until approx. Midnight save on the following:
Selected Maya Road 35% off the following!
-Chipboard Alphas
-Rub ons
Beary Patch - 40% off the following!
-6x6 Calendars
-Add a page tool kit
Prima (Flowers, flowers, flowers!) and brads, bling etc!
-30% off everything!
Piggy Tales, Paper, Monograms etc.
-15% off everything!
Pulp Albums - 25% off!
Also...we have great new classes posted on our website, check them out!
We had a fun class last night!
I am off to the Bloomin Inn this weekend for a scrapbooking retreat. I will be teaching a class - and if all goes well, I may adapt it for the store! I am looking forward to the flowing creativity that runs rampant out there - and hopefully have a ton of layouts to share when I get home.
So, I am off to continue to get ready before we head out. Have a great weekend. Happy scrappin'
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Right Side Up!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
better late than never!!!!!..almost!!!
you wont want to miss the december kit!!!!! its fabulous!!!!!!
have a great week
Thursday, November 8, 2007
2 more layout ideas
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I can't believe it!! The kit is sold out...by the raising popularity of these kits, we will be seriously adjusting the quantities we will be making... Watch for our December kit, coming sooner than you think, it is going to be my favourite one yet, I think!! Also as Mel had mentioned our new Bellies....find 3 words in the next kit, you won't be disappointed!!
New, this past week or so...
Magenta stamps, peel offs, and mica water color paints....they are so cool!
More Xmas papers in from Urban Lily, 3 Bugs....
and the figgy pudding line from Basic Grey is selling fast!
Zutter Bind it all Machine is now in stock....perfect for those Mini book lovers, there is so much you can do with this little machine, it is hard to believe!
More Ranger products will be arriving this week, with Tim Holtz's new crackle paints...they will not ship again till spring, as they can not freeze, so once they are gone, they are gone.
Have a great week everyone!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
November kit reveals
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Ronni's Oct design ideas...
Just a quick FYI for everyone - Kari now has the new Basic Grey Figgy Pudding papers, ornaments and stamps instock :) Also the new My Mind's Eye and Imaginece Christmas lines. They are YUMMY! Awesome papers to get your holiday cards done.
November kit goes up for sale tomorrow. Dont miss it!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Exclusively in our November kit.....we introduce our new BELLIES!!! We are very excited for these. Check them out and let us know what you think.
November's kit releases on MONDAY!!!! Dont miss it!
How is that for a tease? lol
I stopped by the store and grabbed some photos of Ronnis layouts. I will try to post them this weekend for you guys. Sorry for the delay.
Have a great evening. ~~Melanie
Sunday, October 21, 2007
We are already thinking ahead to National Scrapbook Day in May and to other big crops throughout the year.
Please let us know how you found Croptacular. We would love to hear your thoughts and concerns. It is a learning experience for us and your opinions mean a lot to us. Hopefully we can grow to be bigger and even more fun and laughter next year. Feel free to call Kari or Shelley at the store, send them an email.or stop by for a chat!
We hope you got lots done, enjoyed the snacks and exclusive specials - and how about those chairs......I didnt take mine home last night but I sure was thinking about it!!!!
THANKS AGAIN LADIES for making it such a success!!!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
1 more sleep!!!!
So excited!!!! I cant wait to see everyone tomorrow. I will be showing up late cuz I have to work (but I have to pay that darn scrapbooking bill somehow lol). I know we are all going to have such an awesome time!
Challenges, games, goodie bags, prizes and so much fun.
See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Oh my goodness!!!
Imagine the comfort and relaxation in these awesome chairs!!! We have them for you for CROPTACULAR! 14 hours in these chairs will be wonderful! I cant wait!
Dont forget out goodie bags either. Holy cow are they amazing! I got to check them out tonight and WOW! Everyone coming is in for a great surprise!
There are still a couple of spots for you! Dont miss out! We even have a couple of make and takes for you by Tammy and myself. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone and getting a couple of things done.
See you Saturday :) ~~Melanie
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
just thought I would let you all know, a few things that are happening....
1st, we are going to a weekly ordering system, to try and update and get our product quicker.
2...we have just ordered from a couple new companies, and new products should be here first week in November.
3. Xmas papers will start arriving over the next few weeks, including FIGGY PUDDING!!! can't wait!!
4.Dilay in Page frame designs clear albums...I have decided to goto the company directly...so they will be coming....but a little later than originally expected.
Keep your eyes peeled instore....for our next few kits...they are going to be a definte must have...
Thanxs for your patience....take care. Kari
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Thank you!
Thank you to the ladies of the Friday night crop club. I had such a fun time last night. We laughed so hard. I think that some of the girls even got some stuff accomplished! haha If you havent heard of our Monthly Crop Clubs, ask the girls at the store for details.
I also want to shout out to everyone who got an October kit!!!! They are now SOLD OUT! Watch for Ronni's post with her layouts and ideas soon. Keep an eye out for Novembers kit which will be for sale at the end of the month.
I hope everyone has a great weekend :) ~~Melanie
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Here is more......
Thursday, October 4, 2007
What will we think of next? Stay tuned. You never know!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
countdown to CROPTACULAR!!!
Dont miss out!
Games.......challenges......prizes.......snacks.......Gift bags......and oh so yummy CHOCOLATE!!!! We will also have teacher(s) available for your assistance throughout the day and evening. Dont forget ALL THE LAUGHTER!!! Call the store today to reserve your spot!
Saturday Oct 20
10am - 5pm
6pm - 1am
Come for one, or stay for BOTH!!!!
How much is this you ask?
Members $25 for one or $40 for both
Nonmembers $35 for one or $55 for both
Friday, September 28, 2007
Its TIME!!!!
We decided that the DT would post throughout the month with their creations. Without further ado, here are my layouts to share with you. I hope you find inpiration in them. Keep an eye out for Tammy and Ronni's layouts to be posted over the next few weeks.
Enjoy! ~~Melanie

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
So everyone, to much of our excitement, alot of the new basic grey is in!! 4 of the 5 new lines....with rub ons, and embellishments to come in the next few weeks. There are a few papers that are back ordered, but what is here, is GORGEOUS!!! Also in....some new 7 gypsys, new making memories...(travel, tropical & halloween).
More products to watch for....mid October, christmas papers, basic grey rub ons & bellishments, page frame design albums...and hopefully some fancy pants stuff as well!!
To come over the next few weeks....watch for our next's months kit to be released Friday....next 4 months of calendar pages to come next Monday.... & our November class calendar to come mid next week as well!!!
Till later this week....
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Hello again!!
It is an advanced class, but I'm thinking I'm going to rename it to "Ronni's Remix." I'm taking two of my layouts that have been displayed in the store, and I'll show you how to re-create them at home. You'll love it. I'll break down some of the steps I did, give you some hints and tricks, and best of all, these layouts use 4x6 photos! It doesn't get better than that.
So my friends, take care, and we'll see you Friday night!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Can I just mention how much fun I had with the OCTOBER kit???
Just to tease you a bit (ok, if you know me, I really mean A LOT!!!) hehe
OCTOBER's kit is amazing!!!! The colours are so warm and yummy :) I had so many layout ideas. I kept coming up with ideas, they just kept flowing and I actually ran out of photos to use!!! Can you believe it? I hardly have any paper left over
I had the chance to sneek a peek at Ronni's and Tammy's layouts and you will not be disappointed!
Be sure to get yours EARLY! I know they are going to fly out of the store when they are released. Watch the blog for postings of our layouts once the kit is released.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007
Can you believe it!! I am amazed at the response to our kits...and to disappointment to some I will have to say they are all gone. I would make up more, but too much in the kit would have to be altered to give you one. (cardstock, and some of the patterned paper)
Thank you to all....and you won't want to miss the next one!!!
More Layouts of this kit will be posted as promised to those of you who purchased...
Saturday, September 1, 2007
You HAVE to see Sept kit in person!
I just checked out all the amazing layouts at the store and am so impressed. I love how we all took the kit and have gone with our own ideas and creativity. There are 3 totally different styles for you to check out.
I am the first to admit, I am Basic Grey challenged!!! But I LOVED this kit! I was so nervous, but it worked so well with so many of my photos. We included two different feels of colour in the cardstock and both look great on their own or with eachother (one is the pink/lime green the other is the orange/tealish). Go, check out the layouts, see what we came up with and have fun with it!
Feel free to take a picture and email it to Kari at the store, or bring it in and we can take a photo of it for you. We would love to post it on the blog to show everyone!
Let us know what you think!
ps....keep your eyes peeled for my October card class. We are going to have FUN!
Dont forget now that the kids are back in school (or will be shortly), we have some awesome classes for you to partake in too! Check out the website for the calendars and the samples in store.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Tell me what you think???
Its me Tammy and I have finally figured out how to sign into this blog!!(took me long enuff).
I would love your opinions on my up comming Christmas card class at the end of Sept.
here is the pic..you get 12 cards 2 of each design..look forward to your opinions!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Large Non Stick Craft Mats are back in stock!!!
Ranger Distress Embossing Powders are back in stock with 4 new colors.
Tim Holtz Storage Cases!! (Embossing, Distress Ink & Alcohol Ink)
*The Alcohol Ink storage cases also work great for storing your stickles**
These cases are so cool, a definte must have!!
Also coming soon, there will be lots of new products arriving....New Basic Grey lines, New Piggy Tales & more....
Note....that all new Maya Road will not be shipping until end of September...so just in time for Christmas!!
Only 10 more days ladies & our next kit will be ready!!! You won't believe your eyes, with what our girls came up with this time!!!
Have something you want to see, or tell us about....email us @ ememories@bell.net
Thxs & have a great day!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The design team did a fabulous job with this kit!! & thank you to all for your excitement in our 2nd kit! Things to come with our kits, will be tips or techniques and hopefully some color copies of the pages they have done with the kit! I will post some more Layouts & cards from this fabulous kit, in the weeks to come! Take care & enjoy!!