Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sorry for my lack of being around...

Between my move at the beginning of April, being sick for 2 weeks and attempting to unpack, things have been insane. I need to say sorry to Kari, Ronni, Tammy and of course you, our customers and blog readers, for my lack of presence around here.

My layouts are now at the store - its a shock at how quickly you forget where you pack things, even though you think you will remember......but I found them and took them in. Kari will hopefully get pictures and post them for me.

I wanted to post your MAY CHALLENGE for you. It is a Becky Fleck sketch (of course lol). Don't forget to email your creations inspired by the challenge to Kari at the store. We would love to show your work on the blog :)

I am heading out on vacation for a couple of weeks. I will write more when I get back and hopefully more frequently :) Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a great birthday (monday) and holiday!!!
