And about my real vay-cay: Monday after I finish work, we're all going to Calgary and flying to Toronto. Dave and I have flown once before there (last fall for our nephew's wedding) but our chicklets have never been on a plane. We're taking the red-eye out and we won't be back until late on the 21st. I'm not sure how I'll make it to work on the 22nd, but somehow I'll figure it out. I've heard there's a garbage strike in Toronto, so I'm curious to see the effects of that. Odd, I know... Our friends, Jeff and Sonya are getting married while we're there. Dave's the best man. We're soooo excited, but that means I won't have much time to scrap.
For the trip I'm making a travel journal. Nothing fancy, just something I can jot down notes in so that it'll be easier to scrap my photos when I get back. It's not done yet, so no pictures, but I'll be sure to show you what I've done, probably after I get back.
More good news, I've gotten a new camera!! Just an upgrade to the Olympus E-500 I already own. I got an Olympus E-620... 12mp, 6 art "filters", image stablization, and I can switch my lenses back and forth. Now there's nothing wrong with the E500, and if you know me, you know I love my baby! But this new camera will let me do a bit more. When I bought it, the selling feature for me was that it does NOT do video. A lot of the newest SLR cameras on the market do have video capacity, some of them even in HD quality. But I figured if I wanted a video camera, I'd buy a video camera. I have a little point and shoot for in my purse that does video, and I rarely use that feature. Just personal preference. Love the art filters that come with it... soft focus for a dreamy portrait, a cool b&w grainy filter, pale colours, pop art (makes the colours bright bright bright and vivid), light tone, and a pinhole filter (burns a dark edge to the sides of the photo)
So anyways, here's some of my layouts from last month's kit....(sorry about the poor picture quality... the lighting was bad when I took the photos)
My sweet little niece. My sister in law gave me these photos, and as soon as I saw them I knew they'd be perfect for the kit!
My sweet nephew, photo taken at Easter. The title was done by tracing around Heidi Swapp's masking alphabets.
And my little Darby. Mel challenged me to use this paper as a dandelion theme. My poor kid, I must have taken 50 photos of her blowing dandelions. My hubby wasn't too please with me either, LOL!

And of course my cards. Simple, but I struggle every time with them.
So I hope this all inspires you to get out there and take photos and have fun and play with paper! We'll see you soon!!
x0x0x0 ~ronni
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