Hey everyone, it's me, Melanie!
I just checked out all the amazing layouts at the store and am so impressed. I love how we all took the kit and have gone with our own ideas and creativity. There are 3 totally different styles for you to check out.
I am the first to admit, I am Basic Grey challenged!!! But I LOVED this kit! I was so nervous, but it worked so well with so many of my photos. We included two different feels of colour in the cardstock and both look great on their own or with eachother (one is the pink/lime green the other is the orange/tealish). Go, check out the layouts, see what we came up with and have fun with it!
Feel free to take a picture and email it to Kari at the store, or bring it in and we can take a photo of it for you. We would love to post it on the blog to show everyone!
Let us know what you think!
ps....keep your eyes peeled for my October card class. We are going to have FUN!
Dont forget now that the kids are back in school (or will be shortly), we have some awesome classes for you to partake in too! Check out the website for the calendars and the samples in store.